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The effect of external factors on spatial reality in a virtual green space
This research is based on the hypothesis that by adding external factors to the virtual green space viewed through a head-mounted display, which only provides visual information, the virtual green space will be perceived as more realistic, and the relaxation effect will be the same as in a real green space. In the experiment, the subjects were asked to type on a computer and then experience a virtual green space through a head-mounted display, either only visually or with information about human senses added as an external factor. Afterwards, the subjects were asked to evaluate how they felt about the virtual greening space through a questionnaire using the SD method. The results showed that the addition of external factors to people's senses in a virtual green space with only visual information had little effect on the sense of reality. However, it was found that the external factors improved the relaxation and calmness.
解説動画:The effect of external factors on spatial reality in a virtual green space 15min
The Effect of External Factors on Spatial Reality in a Virtual Green Space: Rikuya Ichi, Yohsuke Yoshioka, Advances in Ergonomics in Design 261 786-791 2021年7月